Cikk angolul: Feet Load Distribution in Subjects with Mandibular Rotations

Szerzők: Dr. Maria Csillag* and Dr. Ajay Kakar

Megjelent: Journal of Oral and Dental Health


Dentistry is one of the branches of medicine which is heavily dependent on equipment and materials. A good clinicians skills are tremendously enhanced with high quality materials, instruments and equipment. This is an era of digital technology and this technology has touched and benefited dentistry tremendously. One of the most revolutionary concept of modern day dentistry, the Smylist® concept, the creation of Dr. Maria Csillag has maximized the
digital technological evolution in creating treatment concepts and plans digitally and used CAD/CAM technology to make complex aesthetics and rehabilitations precise, simple and fast. The Smylist® Aesthetic Design Software and the Smylist® Lab software that generates final 3D STL files for CAD CAM processing for Smile Designs as well as Full Mouth Rehabilitations regarding conscious aesthetic planning, individual midlines, muscle harmony and posture stabilization.
Smylist® has established a number of original and new concepts in dentistry in the past decade. It has been clearly established that improperly placed mandibles, called “mandibular rotations” lead to a complex body compensation which ends up in the feet and how the body is balanced by the individual. The position of the feet can tell a lot but it is only partial information. A complete information data set would be the load pattern in terms of numbers between the
two feet and also distribution on each foot. This is possible only if the “natural” load pattern could be recorded digitally to make the diagnostic data complete in all respects.
